Wicked Dollz
the art and imagination of Noelle Hunt
About the Artist

PLEASE NOTE THE ONLINE PORTFOLIO IS UNAVAILABLE DUE TO A SERVER CRASH please check my flickr site for images of my art work!
Internationally-known Canadian artist Noelle Hunt works in a studio full of her muses collectible pieces of vintage kitsch. Her work, under the name WickedDollz, has been featured in magazines and celebrity homes around the world.
One reviewer wrote, "Ms. Hunt's style can best be described as "nouveau retro." Gathering inspiration from pin-up girls, big-eyed children, pity puppies and tiki bars, Noelle studies the objects of her affection and reshapes them in a modern style. Her artwork, like her personality, is delightfully unpretentious.
Noelle's early work, revolving around disturbing representations of the female form, echoed a tragic eating disorder that nearly took her life. Her recent work, however, is inspired by lighter, nostalgic things, like Big Eyed Dolls and Mattel's Liddle Kiddles, as well as newer dolls like Pullips, and Takara Blythe. Now, with tongue set firmly in cheek, she continues to express her own brand of humor and exorcise the demons.
Please feel free to email with any questions or comments
News & Shows
March 2014 . Back in getting biopsied , hope to be painting more soon. Please feel free to contact me during this time!
Nov 2014 Set up a site to explain the Tiny Daryl Dixon porject feel free to pop by and look Tiny Daryl Dixon the diminutive Zombie slayer & cancer defeating bad ass
Oct 2014 Some sketches for more drawings in the nasty toys department Nasty Sketches
Aug 2014
Some new work up on the flicker pages Horror Masks including one commissioned as a gift for for Norman Reedus by a fan
Oct 5 2013
Finished for all intents and purposes the Breast Cancer Scars Self Portrait It needs a really Ornate frame.

Oct 05 2012
Some delays on many many many things due to Cancer...ye you heard that right Wickeddollz is now the "impatient cancer patient" WORRY NOT prognosis is GOOD. you can follow my cancer treatment on my Blogger blog http://wickeddollz.blogspot.ca/ I usually post a youtube update notification about the blog so feel free to subscribe to me on youtube if thats your kind of thing. https://www.youtube.com/user/nelliediddle
but for now Enjoy a little bit of Tiny Daryl Dixon

Sept 29 2011
NEW look coming soon! clik HERE for a preview
Sept 2 2011
Jan 2010
New Video Tutorial for making altered art dolls!
NEW for March: Altered art dolls Video!
NEW FOR February!
Featured on the main page of the Art Portal channel in the TalentDatabase
July 08 Worldwide Women Artist Show
Hosted by your truly, click the link to see the show: "Our Favorite Works"
A show featuring the work of members of the Worldwide Women Artists
NEW :Video of Work In Progress (WIP)
Jan 5th 2008
BIG EYE ART: RESURRECTED AND TRANSFORMED is now available for pre-order on Amazon.Com ( or Amazon.ca if your a Canuck!)at a discounted rate!
Interested in purchasing this fabulous book? Pre-order on Amazon, and get Big Eye Art: Resurrected and Transformed for only $19.77 (you save $10.18)! Once this offer ends, the book will revert to its original selling price of $29.95. To pre-order the book
The book is written by , Blonde Blythe (famous for Blythe doll portraits in Barbie Bazaar); the lovely and talented Jasmine Becket-Griffith(beloved fantasy and fairy artist) writes the foreword. The book features big eye artwork by 22 amazing artists!
some of the artist included are:Blonde Blythe Toni Boozer,Noelle Hunt (ME), Lisa Petricci,Jasmine Becket-Griffith & Vicky Knowles!
there issome amazing art in this book, I don't know how much of mine will actually end up in there but it was an honour to be invited.
Oct 2007
Finally more book information: Big Eye Art: Resurrected and Transformed book cover!!!!!
Cover art courtesy of Jasmine Becket-Griffith, writer of the foreword!
July 2007
I was invited to be in a book about contemporary"Big Eyed" artist. Although I have no final date when this book will be published we have all sent in our biographies and images for the book.
Testimonials :
"Noelle's art clearly reflects her love of these wonderful liddle dolls and captures the Liddle Kiddle lover in me too. I have purchased an item from the 'Monster Series' and also 'Khristmas Kards' from Noelle and you can see that her love of Kiddles and a loving heart inspires her work. Thanks Noelle! I am looking forward to more."
"I am the proud owner of two of Noelle's original artwork. It is absolutely lovely. She is a fantastic artist. I will definitely be adding more of her artwork to my collection."
W.I.P. work in progress

lately I have been working on customizing one of a kind dollz, but have a few ideas for paintings coming up next month. Keep an eye on this spacefor announcementsabout new work!